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7. DVLA stub environment

A test environment is provided by DVLA which allows us to validate our integrations using several predefined driving licence numbers covering most of the scenarios .


Driving licenses used for testing purposes

Scenario DescriptionDriver Number
Full driving licence with a disqualification that has expired but not the driver has not renewed their entitlement to driveDFECC501076WW9KS
Provisional driving licence with a disqualification that has expired but the driver has not renewed their entitlement to driveEMADG505169R98WD
Full driving licence with a current disqualification on recordCUPPL752216UK9US
Provisional driving licence with a current disqualification on recordBEGDE607029V99NL
Full driving licence where the entitlement has expiredHUPZS507160QQ9JY
Provisional driving licence where the entitlement has expiredEMADG461257JO8SK
Full driving licence which has been surrenderedVAKJJ502236A99JC
Provisional driving licence which has been surrenderedPROVN606110T99DZ
Full driving licence where the driver has been disqualified until a test is passed (DTTP with no retest taken and the driver is now prov).GUIIL502065BV9KM
Provisional driving licence where the driver has been disqualified until a test is passed (DTTP with no retest taken)BEGNU603225C99DU
Full driving licence where the driver has been disqualified until an extended test is passed (DTETP with no retest taken and the driver is now prov).UXJFG802264NE9JS
Provisional driving licence where the driver has been disqualified until an extended test is passed (DTETP with no retest taken)EMADG710238QP9NK
Provisional driving licence where the driver has been revoked under the New Driver Act until a test is passed (RTTP with no retest taken)LDCSL911116OK9KM
Full driving licence where the driver is disqualified until sentenced, including awaiting sentence or review of sentencing.KPODG508167XN9ZF
Provisional driving licence where the driver is disqualified until sentenced, including awaiting sentence or review of sentencing.LDRFL601105FT9HT
Full driving licence where the driver has been disqualified for life.LQZVJ603206B99ZY
Provisional driving licence where the driver has been disqualified for lifeGZKXI603142N99HK
Full licence with no restrictions against categories (apart from eyesight 101 or organ donor 119)HTSK9860212WP9VP
Provisional driving licence with no restrictions against categories (apart from eyesight 101 or organ donor 119)SPCDL959184A99GY
Full  driving licence with restrictions held against categoriesLXJFU610260J99NJ
Record not found - 400 errorAAAAA611115KR9XA
Suppressed record - 401 errorEIAKD405229FN9UP
Tacho & CPC recordAFEBL412082FW9CT
Last Updated: 07/08/2023
Status: Draft (Pending Review)
Category: Protected
Authored By: Dhaval on May 13, 2022
10 Oct, 2023 Revised stub environment docs, by Sohan.